Tourism in Transit
Human, how do you travel?

As a worldwide pandemic rages, we are forcibly being kept indoors to ride out the storm. Travelling has been put on hold, hotels are shut down, cities abandoned and tourism temporarily ground to a halt. Time is our only commodity. Why not use this mandatory timeout as a moment of reflection—a moment to observe our habits?

Take this short survey (it’ll only take five minutes!) to find out what kind of traveller you are. Are you fearless or cautious? Will you be catching the next plane out, or would you rather wait until the only Corona around comes with a slice of lime?

Human, how do you travel?

Parts of the world are overjoyed with the growth of tourism. Others are not handling it well. Is too much travel destroying places or improving them?

Take the free 5-minute survey and discover your position on tourism. Are you a bold or cautious traveler? A tourism lover or a tourism hater? Find out what kind of tourist you are and learn how humans travel.

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